Supervised Consumption
What is the supervised consumption service?

Supervised consumption is an NHS service that is used in certain conditions to ensure that patients take their medication at regular intervals such as in substance dependence. The prescriber writes the supervised consumption instructions on the prescription. The service is funded by the NHS, it’s free for the patient.

How does the supervised consumption service work?

Weight loss is more than just calorie counting. Many people fail to understand that weight loss is a process that requires you to change your habits and attitude towards eating and exercise. Our pharmacists and weight loss experts can help you to put a weight loss plan in place and help you set smart goals. The aim is that your nutritional requirements are taken care of with a balanced diet plan.

How do I sign-up for supervised consumption?

In the majority of cases, the prescriber will discuss the options with the patient and refer them to the pharmacy of their choice for this service. Before reviewing the patient, the prescriber will usually check with the pharmacy about the adherence of the patient to the treatment. If you would like us to provide this service for you, please speak to a member of staff or your prescriber.